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Our generative AI-powered Screener allows you to easily explore fundamental and technical data of +5000 US publicly traded companies with more than 25 years of historical data. The AI Top Picks section, powered by our AI-based ML Alpha Scores, simplifies stock selection tailored to your investment goals. Discover and analyze efficiently the financial state of any company with our AI Financial Expert Finally, our Data Science Studio empowers you to build your own Machine Learning models and join the investors elite. You can backtest all of these approaches!
See Our AI Top PicksCreate, track, and gain insights into your portfolios with the assistance of our AI-based ML Alpha Scores. You can also follow portfolios from top-performing users from the Marketplace and receive instant notifications. As our portfolios are non-editable in the past, the performance is based on real-time decisions!
Create a Portfolio TodayML Alpha harnesses the greatest power of all: the Community. We believe that a community fuelled by top-performing investors and data scientist from every background and corner of the world will be unbeatable. Checkout our Marketplace to discover performance-verified portfolios and follow them live!
Checkout the Portfolio MarketplaceI can now, not only make profit in the stock market, but also monetise all the time I spent doing stock research in an easy and convenient manner!
Quentin Q. Wealth Growth MangerI don't know much about investing. Thanks to the marketplace concept, I am able to follow experienced investors with a proven track record of performance.
Carolina C. ML Alpha Guru customerI'm tired of cherry picking stocks based on criteria from financial experts that lack transparency. How can I know if their recommendations beat the market? I found that ML Alpha offers this transparency.
Victor C. ML Alpha StarterI loved to diversified my investments and have more....
Javier C. ML Alpha GuruAI in investing provides a distinct advantage by efficiently handling vast amounts of financial data, analyzing historical trends, and extracting insights from complex relationships. Unlike traditional analysis limited by human capacity, AI models consider numerous variables, combining fundamental, technical, and macroeconomic data to enhance predictions. Importantly, AI models eliminate biases, emotions, and subjective opinions from the decision-making process. ML Alpha ensures that every score, rank, or rating is solely derived from data-driven checks and machine learning-based financial models, offering a transparent and objective approach to investment decision-making.
AI-based investing has notable strengths but also comes with limitations. Firstly, it's crucial to understand that financial markets lack scientific predictability, and AI models predict outcomes with varying probabilities rather than certainties. Furthermore, Machine Learning models may suffer from biases and overfitting. Bias can occur if the training data disproportionately represents certain market conditions, leading to suboptimal predictions in different scenarios. Overfitting occurs when a model is too complex for the amount of data it's trained on, excelling in past predictions but struggling in real-time applications. ML Alpha addresses these concerns by emphasizing customer education and curating ML-ready datasets for train and test, ensuring a more robust and reliable investment approach.
The ML Alpha Scores are indicators displayed on our investment platform, represented through radar charts for each company. These scores are derived from the predictions of multiple Machine Learning (ML) algorithms analyzing various fundamental, technical, and contextual parameters for a given company at a specific time. The ML Alpha Scores consist of Short Term, Mid Term, Long Term, Dividend, and Safety scores. Each score reflects predictions made by ML algorithms regarding different aspects of a company's stock performance over varying timeframes and its potential for dividends and safety. Investors can use these scores to compare companies and identify those predicted to perform better in the short, mid, and long term. Additionally, the scores help assess risk/safety and dividend potential. This information aids in building portfolios tailored to specific investment goals, with the recommendation to diversify portfolios with multiple stocks featuring high scores.
No, the scores are based on statistical predictions from ML models, and there is no guarantee that any particular company will perform well in the future. Therefore, it is recommended to diversify portfolios with multiple stocks featuring high scores to manage risks.
All price-dependent data (e.g., stock price, technicals, price-dependent fundamentals, or portfolio performances) are updated daily, using the close price from the previous day. The ML Alpha Scores, along with Data Science Datasets and Backtesting data, are updated every two weeks. Fundamental data is refreshed 7-14 days after SEC publication.
Currently, we exclusively support US stocks. If you have a preference for European or Asian stocks, please share your feedback with us through our Feedback Section.
No, currently, we don't have any integration with brokers to buy and/or sell stocks directly from our platform. You will need to execute these transactions through your current broker. If you wish to see this feature added soon, please let us know through our Feedback Section.
The ML Alpha Scores provided on this platform shall not be considered as investment advice. The stock ratings are generated by an Artificial Intelligence system trained on historical data with no guarantee over future performance. It is important to note that neither the scores nor the portfolios available in the marketplace should be followed without careful consideration. For personalized financial advice, it is strongly recommended to consult with a qualified professional financial advisor.